
Concurso Internacional de Cortometraje Documental  40ª Edición  2012
España / 16 / Documental / Original

En la antigua RDA los niños jugaban con casas de muñecas hechas para parecerse a la vida que les esperaba. Hoy en día muchas de estas casas se pueden encontrar en Ebay o están en manos de coleccionistas. Las casas de muñecas que sobreviven son imágenes idealizadas de un tiempo y lugar que ya no existe.
A través del testimonio de sus antiguos y nuevos propietarios, Eigenheim se adentra en los recuerdos que una vez habitaron esos espacios para explorar los restos de un mundo perdido.

In the GDR children played with dollhouses made to resemble the life they would grow up to have. Now many of these houses can be found on Ebay or in collectors’ hands. The dollhouses that survive do so as idealized images of a time and place that no longer exists.
Through the testimonies of their past and new owners, Eigenheim looks at people and memories that once dwelled in these spaces to explore the remnants of a lost world.

DIRECCIÓN: Anja Dornieden, Juan David González Monroy

Anja Dornieden: Oro Parece (2011); Awe Shocks (2010); Cherry Blue (2010); Trust To Chance and Windfalls (2010); Winter (2009); Ginger Curie & Gothotta Zander (2008); Enter (2007). / Juan David González Monroy: Oro Parece (2011); Awe Shocks (2011); And It Was Good (2010); How To Catch A Mole (2009); Tunnels (2009); You dirty little rat; you took us for a ride did you? (2008); The Hole Is Not Empty (2008); Muzak for the Invisible People (2008); The Circle of Confusion (2007).

Anja Dornieden: Oro Parece (2011); Awe Shocks (2010); Cherry Blue (2010); Trust To Chance and Windfalls (2010); Winter (2009); Ginger Curie & Gothotta Zander (2008); Enter (2007). / Juan David González Monroy: Oro Parece (2011); Awe Shocks (2011); And It Was Good (2010); How To Catch A Mole (2009); Tunnels (2009); You dirty little rat; you took us for a ride did you? (2008); The Hole Is Not Empty (2008); Muzak for the Invisible People (2008); The Circle of Confusion (2007).

EDICIÓN: Juan David González Monroy
FOTOGRAFÍA: Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy
SONIDO: Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy
CONTACTO: anjadornieden@gmail.com

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